About Us

Raiders Remember’s mission is to reunite all former SHS/SBRHS graduates of all the decades in its existence, to celebrate the fond memories of the old school one last time, while welcoming the new. All proceeds will go towards defraying expenses for the one-time event as well as an on-going scholarship fund we are creating in the Raiders Remember name for future SBRHS graduates.


Press & Communication. Links to all press releases and email campaigns that have been sent (just in case you missed one!)


PSA’s by SATV9. Check out our Public Service Announcements!


Committees. Want to join the committee? Want to help us plan? Volunteer? Click here for a list of those involved. You might already know us.


FAQ. Have questions about Raiders Remember? Did you know we have created a scholarship fund? Questions about the night-time event in June? Click here for answers.