1st Annual Thanksgiving Homecoming Breakfast!

1st Annual Thanksgiving Homecoming Breakfast!

A New Thanksgiving Day Tradition

Join us for the

1st Annual Raider Homecoming Breakfast!*

Tickets will be sold Wednesday 11/26/14 in the SBRHS gym at the Case Rally, and are sold at Auclairs for $5.

Limited sales at the door.

* Game tickets sold separately for $6.

Come eat a Continental Breakfast buffet before watching the game and re-dedication of the Hanson Memorial Field and Stadium!

More info: see flier below.

A little history on the Thanksgiving Day Game Breakfast, the 2nd field dedication in 61 years, and why we want you to help start the new tradition this year for the 1st Breakfast open to the public!
Article here: http://www.heraldnews.com/article/20141123/NEWS/141128509

Breakfast 2014 Flyer JPG copy

Raiders Remember will have a booth at the

Breakfast Thanksgiving Morning (not at game)

with brick sale forms and merchandise!


We are still selling bricks and merchandise 

(available online as well).


Click here for online and offline (mail-in) instructions and forms.


View all items here: http://raidersremember.org/shop/

Questions? Email: marketplace@raidersremember.org